Debt investors

Our objective is a diversified funding structure in terms of currency, market and product.

Debt investor operations


Handelsbanken has a strong liquidity position. The liquidity reserve consists of balances with central banks as well as securities that are eligible as collateral with central banks.


In order to ensure flexibility and efficient access to various markets we have established a number of funding programmes. These programmes constitute the framework for the funding operations.


To provide our investors with an external assessment of the Bank's financial and credit position we have obtained credit ratings from three rating agencies, Moody's, Standard and Poor's and Fitch. The covered bond programme is rated by Moody's.

Green bonds


A sustainable solution

Handelsbanken is a responsible participant in society and wishes to contribute to sustainable development. By financing green projects we support long-term growth and sustainable solutions.

Archive for debt programmes and prospectuses

The archive

In the archive you find information about our funding programmes and relevant debt investor information. At the end of each financial quarter we publish both the debt investor presentation and our cover pool data. The archive also provides you with information regarding funding programmes, prospectuses, green bonds and other files. Simply guide yourself through the filter and hit search.

What the archive contains

  • Debt programmes for Handelsbanken and Stadshypotek
  • Debt investor presentations
  • Cover pool data

Fall-back plans for Interbank Offered Rates (IBOR)

Here you will find more information on Handelsbanken's plans for the transition from IBOR to Risk-free rates (RFRs).