Validation against schema

Make sure that your ISO 20022 XML file is valid before sending it to the Bank for final inspection. Here is an instruction on how you can validate your files.

How to validate

Validation of schema means checking that a file follows the rules for how an XML file should be structured. Validation is required for all ISO files before they can be used in communication with the Bank. Here you will find XSD schemas for pain.001 and pain.008. 

Validate your file using the following steps

  1. You must have an XML validator – a software that checks the XML file against the specified XSD schema, which describes the structure of an XML document. 
  2. Download the schema for the current XML format to your computer.
  3. Validate the file with your XML validator.
  4. Once the validation is correct, the next step is to validate that the content follows the rules for the specific payment types. Log in to GlobalOn-Line. Choose File management / Administrate / Test file, and upload your file. 
  5. After validation, we will present a test report under Search file.