
We participates in numerous initiatives and collaborations to demonstrate our commitment.
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Our commitment

As a responsible part of the business world, we participate in numerous initiatives and collaborations. Through these initiatives we demonstrate our commitment to an even more sustainable future regarding environmental, social and financial issues. This also gives us the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences with representatives from different spheres of society.

Business@Biodiversity Sweden

We are members of Business@Biodiversity Sweden, a business network for companies and organisations that want to work with biodiversity and sustainable business models. The network is run by Ecogain, Sweden's leading knowledge company in the field.


CDP is an independent international non-profit organisation which works for transparency and dialogue on companies’ environmental impacts and to make such information available to investors. Along with over 5,600 organisations all over the world, Handelsbanken annually measures and reports our environmental impacts through CDP.

Climate Action 100+

We are part of a five-year-long, global, co-operative initiative linked to the Paris Agreement As one of the investors behind the initiative we call on companies to combat climate change, curb emissions and improve transparency.

Climate Bonds Initiative

We are a partner with the Climate Bonds Initiative, an international non-profit organisation that promotes investment in climate-change solutions. The organisation aims to facilitate the mobilisation of capital in the global green bond market by advocacy and outreach to inform and stimulate the market.

Diversity Charter Sweden

Handelsbanken is a signatory and a member of Diversity Charter Sweden, a non-profit organisation that works to promote diversity in the workplace. The network offer their members opportunities to exchange ideas and strategies and to increase their knowledge in questions of diversity. As a member of the network, the company affirms its commitment to diversity and an inclusive approach in the workplace. 


ECPAT’s overall objective is to prevent exploitation of children by obstructing and preventing monetary transactions that are linked to the commercial sexual exploitation of children. We co-operate closely with ECPAT and have  integrated a preventative working method into our operations such as by obstructing and preventing payments connected with such material.

Equator principles

We have signed the Equator Principles. The principles provide guidance to financial institutions for assessing social and environmental risks in project finance. Members implement the principles in their internal guidelines, processes and procedures for project finance.

Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Handelsbanken is the first bank to join the Exponential Roadmap Initiative. The Exponential Roadmap Initiative unites companies that are innovators, transformers and disruptors to drive exponential transformation to halve emissions by 2030. Our membership in the Exponential Roadmap allows us to learn from and contribute to a community of like-minded actors intent on doing their part to halve emissions by 2030 and achieving global net zero emissions by 2050.

Global Compact

Handelsbanken has signed the UN Global Compact, an initiative aimed at companies which advocates 10 principles based on international conventions. These principles, established in 2000, include human rights, labour laws, the environment and anti-corruption.

Global Child Forum 

We participate in Global Child Forum, a non-profit foundation which functions as an independent forum to exchange best practices and lift discussions about children’s rights. The forum brings together leaders from the business community, civil society, academia and government in order to spur action for social change with regard to children’s rights.


We are a member of the IIGCC, the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change. The groups mission is to mobilise capital for the low-carbon future by amplifying the investors voice and collaborate with business, policymakers and investors.

Net Zero Asset Managers initiative (NZAM)

Handelsbanken Fonder is one of 220 leading asset managers, who has signed up to the global Net Zero Asset Managers initiative. This means that Handelsbanken Fonder undertakes to support the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions through investments and prioritise achieving reduced emissions through dialogue with the companies in which they invest.

Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA)

The UN-convened Net-Zero Banking Alliance brings together banks committed to aligning their lending and investment portfolios with net-zero emissions by 2050. Combining near-term action with accountability, this commitment sees banks setting an intermediate target for 2030 or sooner, using robust, science-based guidelines.

NMC, Swedish association for Sustainable Business

We are a member of NMC, Nätverk för Hållbart Näringsliv (Swedish Association for Sustainable Business). It is a non-profit association, not allied to any political party, which is a cross-industry platform for more than 200 companies and organisations. Its purpose is to share knowledge, experience and ideas regarding a sustainable and successful business community.

Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF)

PCAF is a collaboration between financial institutions worldwide to enable harmonised assessments and disclosures of greenhouse gas emissions financed by loans and investments. By joining PCAF Handelsbanken is expanding our carbon accounting to include our financed emissions. This will help us to make well informed financial decisions so that we can better support our clients in their transition journey.


The Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) were officially launched in connection with the UN 2019 Climate Action Summit on 22-23 September. Handelsbanken is one of 130 banks to endorse the initiative. With PRB, the UN aims to raise awareness of and highlight the contributions to sustainable development being made by the global banking sector.


We are a signatory to the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment Initiative, a network of investors and service providers that work to implement principles for responsible investment. The purpose is to work for increased openness and awareness of environmental, social and corporate governance issues in the companies where the signatories invest.

Resource effectiveness and circular economy

Handelsbanken is participating in a project launched by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) in 2018. The two year project aims to make Sweden a pioneer in creating the resource-effective, circular society. In harmony with the Sustainable Development Goals, the project aims to strengthen Sweden’s competitive edge in a future of limited resources, while spurring co-operation and forward motion in Sweden’s resource choices. 

Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)

The SBTi is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). To ensure that Handelsbanken's net-zero target and future sub-targets are in line with science, we will seek validation from the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). An important step was taken shortly before the UN climate meeting COP26 in Glasgow when we signed "The Business Ambition for 1.5 ° C Commitment Letter" which is coordinated by SBTi. This means that Handelsbanken has committed to setting net-zero targets in line with science within 24 months.


Swedish Investors for Sustainable Development is a platform where investors can learn and exchange best practices and experiences regarding Agenda 2030. The aim is to explore the role of the long-term investor and to provide ideas and inspiration for future progress.

Sustainable value creation 

Since 2009, Handelsbanken Asset Management has collaborated with other major Swedish investors on the Sustainable Value Creation project. The aim of the project is to highlight the importance of Swedish listed companies working with sustainability topics in a structured manner. To encourage, support and follow up on the companies’ sustainability efforts, Sustainable Value Creation conducts surveys and organises seminars and round-table discussions. In its capacity as one of the 100 largest listed Swedish companies, Handelsbanken has itself responded to the surveys on sustainability activities.


Handelsbanken Asset Management is a member of SWESIF, an independent network forum for organisations working with sustainable investments in Sweden. SWESIF aims to increase knowledge of and interest in sustainable investment on behalf of institutional asset owners and managers.

Transparency International

As part of our commitment to work against corruption we are a member of Transparency International Sweden’s Corporate Supporters Forum, a business forum which offers companies a platform to pool experience and knowledge related to anti-corruption work.

UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance

Handelsbanken Liv has signed the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI). The principles is the largest initiative for international co-operation between the UN and the insurance industry. The PSI consists of four principles which aim to boost economic, environmental and social sustainability.


UN Environment Programme has a special organisation that works on how the capital markets can promote the adoption of best practices for the environment and sustainability. Some 200 financial institutions which support the initiative contribute to research into and knowledge of how sustainability aspects can be integrated into financial decisions.

Ung Privatekonomi

We support initiatives that improve young people’s knowledge of personal finance by supporting information campaigns and contributing know-how. Ung Privatekonomi is a school information project that teaches Swedish upper secondary school students and teachers about personal finances and savings.

Women in finance charter

As part of its efforts towards gender equality, Handelsbanken in the UK has signed the Women in Finance Charter from HM Treasury. This means that the Bank is committed to work for more gender balance in the financial sector.

World Childhood Foundation 

We support the World Childhood Foundation which works to prevent violence against and sexual abuse of children. The foundation wants to ensure that all children are able to develop into strong, confident, responsible people. Its work focuses mainly on children who live on the streets, in institutions or in a family where the parents are not the type of secure and trustworthy adults that a child really needs.