Materiality analysis

Using the results of the materiality analysis, the Bank defines the most material sustainability topics to be focused on, reported and communicated.

What does the analysis say?


In the materiality analysis, the Bank has identified, assessed and prioritised the actual and potential impacts, taking into account economic, environmental and social perspectives, including the effects on human rights. Important factors going into the analysis were the environment and climate, human rights and biodiversity.

Based on the materiality analysis, the Bank defines the most material sustainability topics within financing, savings and investments, advisory services and corporate social responsibility

Our materiality analysis

In 2022, Handelsbanken carried out a materiality analysis based on the requirements of GRI Standards 2021. As part of our work to prepare for the implementation of the new regulatory framework for sustainability reporting, CSRD, a double materiality analysis in accordance with the requirements of the related reporting standards ESRS was carried out in the autumn of 2023. The results of the double materiality analysis will form the basis for our sustainability reporting for the coming year, i.e. 2024.

The result of the materiality analysis is presented in the Annual and Sustainability Report 2023 (pdf 4.3 MB) Opens in a new window on page 40.

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The first stage consisted of a review of Handelsbanken's previous materiality analyses and the
business environment. From these, a list of material topics was created, forming the basis for the
ongoing work.

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The second stage involved the identification and analysis of these material topics' respective impacts.
An assessment and analysis was also undertaken of how Handelsbanken could have a negative impact by causing, contributing to or being directly linked to an impact.

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In the third stage, an assessment was made of how significant an impact each respective topic has on the wider world, after which a final prioritisation was decided by the Bank's Chief Sustainability and Climate Officer, together with employees in the Group Sustainability department.

Our stakeholders

people working on the project -

Principal stakeholders

The Bank's principal stakeholders are customers, employees, owners and investors, trade unions, and the community at large. Included are also special interest organisations for example, and public authorities and legislators.


Other stakeholders

We also maintain continual dialogues with other stakeholders, such as equity research analysts, trade associations, sustainability analysts, non-profit organisations, international organisations, municipalities and county councils, suppliers, press and media, students, schools and universities.

How we communicate with our stakeholders

Our stakeholder model

Års- och Hållbarhetsredovisning 2022 -

Stakeholder dialogue

In order to ensure that the Bank develops its sustainability work, and continues being a responsible bank that meets stakeholders' expectations and other external requirements, stakeholder dialogues are held regularly.

These take place in different contexts, such as customer meetings and surveys, investor meetings, industry forums, supplier follow-up and in dialogues with non-profit organisations, staff and trade unions. 

Through these dialogues, we are better able to understand the expectations and requirements that our stakeholders place on the Bank. And how our business operations are to be conducted and developed. This helps us to make well-founded decisions and constitutes important input into the prioritisation of the sustainability work in different business areas and home markets.