Handelsbanken in Poland

Handelsbanken is set to close the operations in Poland.
Poland Warsaw

Set to close

Discontinued services

Handelsbanken is set to gradually discontinue the operations in Poland and the Warsaw branch. We will be able to offer limited services through other units within the Bank.

In the short term, general advice and assistance will continue to be provided by our Warsaw branch. 

Plan zamknięcia Oddziału

Handelsbanken zamierza zakończyć działalność w Polsce oraz zamknąć swój Oddział w Warszawie. Będziemy w stanie zapewnić Państwu ograniczony zakres usług poprzez inne jednostki Banku.

W krótkiej perspektywie podstawowy zakres usług oraz wsparcia biznesowego prowadzony będzie nadal przez Oddział w Warszawie. 

Contact us

UWAGA - zmianie uległ numer telefonu do banku. Obecny numer to +48 (22) 290 51 55. 
IMPORTANT - the main phone number to bank has been changed. You can now contact the Bank at + 48 (22) 290 51 55


Wołoska 22
02-675 Warsaw


Opening hours

Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00


Tel: +48 (22) 290 51 55


We take complaints very seriously as they offer us the opportunity to improve our services. Do you have a complaint regarding a specific matter? Here you will find more information about complaints handling in Handelsbanken.

Complaints in Poland 
Skargi i Reklamacje


Supervisory authority

Handelsbanken in Poland is supervised by the Swedish Financial Supervision Authority Finansinspektionen Opens in a new window

Deposit guarantee

The deposits of Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) branches are protected by the Swedish deposit insurance programme.  

According to the Swedish law, insurance covers all deposits and current accounts balances per bank (including foreign branches) per each customer – private or legal person. In the case of insured event the insurance provides compensation of up to EUR 100,000 per customer.