- Handelsbanken.se- Handelsbanken.se

Press and media

Press releases

Fetching press releases

Financial information

Reports and presentations

In the reports and presentations database you can browse through all of the Bank's files, including the annual and interim reports.

Debt investors 

Debt investors provides information about the Bank's funding and credit rating.

Highlights of Annual Report
January – December 2024 

Press conference

Tidningsuppslag med en glödlampa

The latest from Handelsbanken

Visit our news room to read the latest news and current press releases from Handelsbanken.

Our experts' views of the market 

Access our analysts' views and comments on the financial markets and the economic situation via our newsletters, reports, forecasts and other publications.  

Glob with a graph

Contact the press office

To contact our press office, please call +46 (0)8 701 80 18 (weekdays 09.00-17.00) or send an e-mail to press@handelsbanken.se.

Icon businessdeal

Quick facts 

In order to make general information about us easier to find, we have created a list of facts.

Meet our experts 

Do you have a question about a specific part of Handelsbanken? Get in touch with us.