
It is important that you are able to trust us. This is why we prioritise your security.
Protect yourself and your devices-

Information security, IT security and data protection (GDPR)

The work with the Bank’s information security and IT security involves protecting customers’ information and transactions and the Bank’s IT environment, and also monitoring outsourced IT operations. The availability and security of the Bank’s IT services are essential to its operations. The technological development and digitalisation of banking services mean that this area is increasing in significance.

Handelsbanken’s work with information security and IT security focuses on confidentiality, integrity, availability, and traceability. Information and business systems must be available based on the business requirements of the operations. Guidelines for information security at Handelsbanken are established by the Group Chief Executive.

Protect yourself

Read about how to protect yourself and your money against fraud.

Physical security

The Handelsbanken Group’s work with physical security includes fire safety, employee security, travel security, perimeter protection, and the Bank’s insurance cover – both liability insurance and property insurance.

Security work is integrated throughout the entire Bank

All employees of the Bank are responsible for compliance with the rules for protection of information, and all managers are responsible for compliance with the rules in their own area of responsibility. The Bank’s security work is effective, and meets the requirements for protection against potential threats – internal as well as external. We have established procedures in place for managing changes in the IT environment in order to prevent any issues from arising. 

Within the framework of the systematic security work, the Bank works to increase awareness, among both employees and customers, of the threats and risks related to security. This is achieved through training courses for all employees and consultants, information initiatives, business intelligence and instructions, and through alerts and communication regarding current forms of fraud. 

The Bank provides annual e-learning courses about security for all employees and consultants. We also follow up our security work with annual work environment surveys.


Information is one of the Bank’s most important assets. Handelsbanken’s ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification shows that we have an efficient structure for work with information security, that we are constantly working on improvements, and that we take security threats seriously. This is something which our customers increasingly require.

View our current ISO-certificate